Le Vie del Sacro

Devote Passioni

Laude e soni nelle feste religiose aquilane (secc. XV-XVI)

Le Vie del Sacro

Cum Desiderio Vo Cerchando

Laude e musica sacra a Venezia e Firenze (secc. XIII-XVI)


Sex Lies and... musical tales - Venice, XVIth century

Le Jeu de Robin et Marion
(2th edition)

Adam de la Halle (ca 1250 - 1306 ?)

Alla Festa Leggiadra
(2th edition)

Ballatas, madrigals and dances from the time of Boccaccio (Italy, 14th century)

Gloria et Malum
(2th edition)

Music and dances of XVth Century in Italian Courts

25 anni d’amor cantando

A compilation for the celebration of Micrologus’ 25th Anniversary.

Un Fior Gentile

The Ars Nova of Magister Antonio Zachara from Teramo

Alla Festa Leggiadra
(1th limited edition)

Ballatas, madrigals and dances from the time of Boccaccio (Italy, 14th century)

Llibre Vermell
(3th edition)

Canti di pellegrinaggio al Monte Serrato - Spagna XIV secolo

In Festa
(3th edition)

Calendimaggio di Assisi

The Battle of Time

Ensemble Micrologus & Daniele Sepe und Rote Jazz Fraktion

Gloria et Malum
(1th edition)

Music and dances of XVth Century in Italian Courts

Myth: The Music

Music for the choreographies of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

Io ti canto/Io ti racconto

Concert for Adolfo Broegg/Sketches on Adolfo Broegg and Micrologus (2+1 DVD)

Maggio Valente

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Aragón en Nápoles

Music for the Aragon Court in Naples (XVth Century)

Landini - Fior di Dolceça

The Ars Nova compositions of Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Alla Festa Leggiadra

Ballatas, madrigals and dances from the time of Boccaccio (Italy, 14th century)

Le jeu de Robin et Marion (& other works)

Adam de la Halle (ca 1250 - 1306 ?)

Llibre Vermell de Montserrat

Ensemble Micrologus & Capella de Música de Santa Maria del Mar

Napoli Aragonese

Profane music in the 15th century aragonese Naples court

Laudario di Cortona

"Odes from Cortona" XIIIth Century

Cantico della Terra

The sacred & popular in 13th century Italy


Villanelles, Moresches and Arias “alla napoletana” (1536-1570)

Llibre Vermell (2th edition)

Canti di pellegrinaggio al Monte Serrato - Spagna XIV secolo

In Festa (2th edition)

Calendimaggio di Assisi

Madre de Deus

Cantigas de Santa Maria

O Yesu Dolce

Laudi italiane del Quattrocento

Celestinian Odes in Aquila’s medieval tradition (XIVth-XVth centuries)

Ensemble Micrologus Solist’s & Compagnia di cantori "Hora Decima"

Europa Concordiae

Music in Europe from XIVth to XVIth century

Llibre Vermell (1th edition)

Pilgrimage songs to the Closed Mountain - Spain XIVth century

In Festa (1th edition)

Songs of love and spring

D’amor cantando

Ballate e madrigali veneti - Codice Rossi XIV sec.

Landini and the Florentine music

Florence - XIVth century

Mediterraneo, by Gabriele Salvatores

Original soundtrack

Cantigas de Santa Maria

Ensemble Micrologus & René Zosso

Amor mi fa cantar

Musica italiana del primo trecento

In Festa

In festa: Canti d’amore e di festa del Medioevo